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Pumpkin & Feta .

Pumpkin & Feta .


Box of 2 Individual Pies

Embrace the essence of autumn with our Pumpkin & Feta Pie, where velvety pumpkin meets tangy feta cheese in a flaky pastry crust. Each bite offers a perfect balance of sweet and savoury flavours, creating a cosy and satisfying culinary experience that captures the spirit of the season.

Pie Size Explanation
Baked or Frozen
Regular price €10.90
Regular price Sale price €10.90
Sale Sold out
Tax included.


Diced beef, crumbled Stilton cheese, onions, garlic, beef broth, Worcestershire sauce, flour, pie crust, olive oil, salt, pepper, optional mushrooms, and fresh herbs for a savory Beef and Stilton Pie.

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